Steps in the forensic engineering investigative process



Counsel benefits when they have some knowledge of the forensic engineering investigative process that is followed by an expert.  The process determines why a structure failed or an accident happened.  The process results in a thorough investigation leading to an objective opinion rendered with considerable certainty.

This item identifies and describes the steps in the process. The process is followed regardless as to whether the professional engineer is retained as a consulting expert or a testifying expert.

A structure is anything in the built environment, including alterations of the natural environment like highway embankments and earth and rock slopes.  A failure can involve total collapse of a structure or its inadequate performance.

There are three fundamental components to the forensic engineering investigative process:

  • Acquisition of data
  • Analysis of data
  • Presentation of conclusions and opinions

Rigid formulae for investigating failures and accidents do not exist.  But all forensic engineering investigations contain the following steps to a greater or lesser degree.

  1. Document Review
  2. Visual Assessment
  3. Field Investigations
  4. Laboratory Investigations
  5. Research
  6. Follow-up Investigations
  7. Data Analysis and Formulation of Opinion
  8. Report

Field investigations can be broken down further:

  1. Describe the Failure or Accident
  2. Survey and Document the Damage to the Structure
  3. Determine how the Structure is Built
  4. Determine the Site Conditions

Most of the investigation involves gathering data and most of the report – more than 3/4, involves presenting and analysing the data.  This points to the importance of the data gathering.  The degree of certainty in the final opinion of the cause of the failure is often a function of the amount of data gathered and the budget for this.

Following is a brief description of each step in the investigative process:

1. Document Review

Documents provided by counsel during the initial briefing are important in a forensic engineering investigation.  They sometimes provide the only data available to an engineer investigating a failure. Documents include items like the following:

  1. Client narrative
  2. Discovery transcripts
  3. Text
  4. Drawings and maps
  5. Photographs
  6. Maintenace records

Additional published documents almost always researched by a professional engineer include:

  1. Legal surveys and descriptions
  2. Land development and drainage plans
  3. Aerial photography of the area of the site
  4. Topographic and contour maps
  5. Surficial and bedrock geology maps
  6. Agricultural soil maps
  7. Hydrological maps and studies
  8. Hydrogeological maps and studies
  9. Flood plain mapping
  10. Mining activity mapping
  11. Environmental reports

Documents like these are often studied a number of times during the different stages of an investigation.

Information from the documents along with an initial site visit and visual assessment enables the engineer to plan the different investigations based on what he thinks caused the failure or accident – his initial hypothesis.  Investigations are designed to confirm, revise, or refute the initial hypothesis.

In checking the hypothesis, engineering investigations determine:

  1. What took place during the failure or the accident,
  2. The nature and extent of the damage or inadequate performance,
  3. How the structure was built, and its conformance to the design and construction plans, and,
  4. The nature of the area the structure is in and the ground beneath the structure

2. Visual Assessment

This step involves visiting the site as soon as possible after the failure or accident, walking and poking around the site to get a feel for where things are and the nature and extent of the damage, and examining exposed surfaces.  It’s a very simple task – not very technical at all, but invaluable in getting a feel for the scene and bringing the documents to life.

Measuring in a number of different ways characterizes the investigation carried out by professional engineers.

3. Field Investigations

Describe the Failure or Accident

This step involves learning what happened – getting a description of the failure or accident by interviewing witnesses.  This discription may be gleamed from the documents but talking with people who were there and saw or experienced the failure – particularly if it was a sudden collapse of a structure, or an accident, is much better.

Survey and Document the Damage to the Structure

This step involves recording the damaged condition of the structure that has collapsed or does not perform properly.  The condition is recorded by means of tasks such as the following:

  1. A visual examination and description of the structure’s condition,
  2. Measuring the extent and location of the damage, and
  3. Photographing and videotaping the damage.

This should be done as soon as possible after the failure before data and evidence are altered or lost.  The information enables a before-after comparision to be made after the next step is completed.  This type of comparison is often helpful.

Determine how the Structure is Built

How the structure is built, whether or not it comforms to the design, and the adequacy of the design is determined in this step.  Also, whether or not the design reflects the standards of the day.  This information is obtained from various plans and research of standards and checking these against the structure on site.  Tasks involved in this step include the following:

  1. Obtaining copies of the design and construction drawings – often quite similar
  2. Checking the design that it conforms to good engineering practice
  3. Checking that the construction drawings conform to the design
  4. Obtaining a copy of the as-built drawings – drawings that record changes made during construction due to various reasons
  5. Checking that the existing structure conforms to the as-built drawings.  This involves examining and measuring the different components of the structure.  It often involves taking things apart or using remote sensing techniques to detect what is below the surface.  To facilitate this examination, drawings of the damage might be superimposed on the as-built drawings.  This superimposing would eventually be done during the data analysis (see below)
  6. In the absence of drawings – often the case for older structures, measure the structure and prepare drawings, and then supepimpose sketches of the damage

How many of these tasks are carried out and in what detail depends on the situation, the structure, and the failure.  Sometimes very little of the above is done.  Sometimes it’s enough just to measure and prepare sketches of the damage and view and study the structure with these sketches in hand.

Determine the Site Conditions

The site is the area the structure is on and the terrain beyond the site including other structures.

The site conditions of interest at this stage of the investigation include:

  1. The lay of the land; the topography
  2. Surface features like bedrock exposures, sinkholes, and wet land
  3. Drainage features like ponds, lakes, and water courses (hydrology)
  4. Subsurface and foundation soil and rock conditions
  5. Groundwater conditions (hydrogeology)

Investigation of site conditions includes:

  1. Photographing and videotaping the site
  2. Aerial photography and map making
  3. Topographic and elevation/contour surveys
  4. Drainage studies
  5. Geotechnical and foundation soil and rock investigations
  6. Full scale field tests like plate load tests and pile load tests
  7. Accident reconstruction

Detailed topographic and elevation surveys are usually made when the failure of a building or a civil engineering structure, or the cause of an accident, is thought to involve the terrain in which the site is located.

Drainage studies (hydrology) are made when surface or groundwater may have been a factor in a failure or an accident.

Geotechnical and foundation investigations may be necessary if the cause of the failure of a structure appears to be in the foundations or the subsurface soils.

Full scale field tests and accident reconstruction may be carried out.  This is done when these methods are assessed as the most reliable means of gathering data on the effects of the terrain and features in it on the failure or the accident.

4. Laboratory Investigations

It is often necessary to carry out laboratory tests to determine the chemical, physical, mechanical, strength, and/or drainage properties of materials used in construction at the site of a failure or an accident.  It might be necessary to measure the toxic fumes emitted by a compound or product used in construction.

Typical materials used in construction are soil, rock, steel, concrete, wood, plastic, adhesives, asphalt, and masonry products.

Composite materials like asphalt or reinforced concrete can be taken apart in a laboratory to determine how the material was formed.  For example, the location, type, and size of reinforcing steel in a reinforced concrete slab that failed.

5. Research

To some extent, research studies and investigations – desk studies in some disciplines, are on-going like document review during a forensic engineering investigation.

The work often involves literature searches, telephone and internet work, and leg work to sources outside the office like libraries and the offices of persons to interview and consult with.

It also involves research and study of aspects of the engineering investigation that have assumed some relevance.  For example, past mining activity in an area, the standard of care at the time the structure was designed and constructed, the shrinkage properties of a fill material, and the different modes of failure of a soil-steel bridge.

Research also identifies and gathers together all information in appropriate categories relevant to the investigation of the failure (see Document Review above).  This would be information usually not contained in the documents provided by counsel during the initial briefing.  Information like original construction and as-built drawings, geotechnical and environmental reports, and published mapping of the area

6. Follow-up Investigations

This task of carrying out one or more follow-up investigations results from the need to “follow the evidence”.  This concept hardly needs explaining to counsel.  It is equally important in a forensic investigation.  Data will be gathered and evidence uncovered during a previous investigation that suggests another line of enquiry should be followed up or another area investigated.  This is like cross-examination during discovery uncovering evidence that suggests a new line of questioning.

Implicit in the fact that there might be evidence that should be followed up is the possibility that the initial hypothesis on the cause might need to be revised or rejected completely.

The possibility of the need for follow-up investigations is a fact of life during forensic engineering investigations.

7. Data Analysis and Formulation of Opinion

In analysing and reasoning to a conclusion, the data from any one stage of the investigation is looked at critically – taken apart, in a sense, and each part looked at carefully, and how they are related and their interaction examined.

The data is also looked at closely to see if it is characteristic of or associated with a mode of failure or a cause based on past experience and/or mathematical calculation.  Professional engineers have identified and published typical modes of failure for the various structures in the built environment.  These are available for review and guidance to the forensic engineer during a forensic investigation.

The data from other stages of the forensic investigation are similarly looked at, and also studied to see if there is corroboration of conclusions between stages.  Pattern is looked for within individual data and amongst different sets of data.  And if there is a pattern, considering if it is typical of a known cause of failure.

At some point, when engineering judgment dictates, conclusions are drawn from the analysis and the hypothesis confirmed, revised, or refuted.  If revised or refuted then a new hypothsis is formed and this investigated with follow-up forensic investigaions.

If the initial hypothesis is confirmed then the cause of a failure has been identified and an opinion can stated.

Sometimes the data analysis and development of an opinion is quite easy.  For example, when field work uncovers a concrete floor slab that is supported by irregularly spaced columns and the type of slab that should be beneath the structure is required to be uniformly supported.  Then it’s easy to hold the opinion that the floor slab is inadequately supported.

At other times it’s complex.  For example, when there are more than 20 possible modes of failure for the collapse of a soil-steel bridge.  When the collapsed bridge is not available to examine, then the data must be analysed for each mode and the cause identified by a process of elimination.

Sometimes it’s mysterious.  Why is there a toxic odour in the concrete enclosed lower level of a structure and the lighter-than-air fumes are not detected in the timber framed upper levels?  A chance remark about timber structures “breathing” – are more pervious, in a sense, in engineering terms, solves the mystery as to cause.  The fumes in the upper levels diffuse through the exterior timber walls to the outside of the structure.

8. Report

The report, in particular, the written report, is an important step in a professional  engineer’s investigation of a failure or an accident.  It is an objective documentation for the judicial system of the methods used during the investigation, the data gathered, the analysis of the data, and the reasoning to an opinion on cause.  It’s importance is highlighted by the fact that civil litigation rule changes in some provinces are resulting in the report often replacing the discovery stage.

The results of an engineer’s investigation of a failure or an accident are presented in:

  1. Oral reports,
  2. A written report, and,
  3. Occasionally, one or more supplementary reports

If possible, an oral report is given to counsel as soon after the documents are read, an initial site visit and visual assessment completed, and an initial hypothesis formed as to cause.  The report will indicate the direction the investigation appears to be leading.  This will give counsel an early indication as to whether the professional engineer will serve as a consulting expert or as a testifying expert.

A written report is provided at completion of the investigation.  It is prepared on instruction of counsel for the court and judge and submitted to counsel.

The need for supplementary reports might depend on whether or not new evidence is found during discovery, in follow-up investigations, or presented in rebuttal reports.

The outline of a report will vary depending on the nature of the failure or accident and the extent of the investigation.  Many will be in chronological order, generally the order of the steps in the forensic engineering investigative process.  The process is a series of investigations and follow-up investigations.  My reports generally:

  1. Describe the individual investigations,
  2. State the purpose or reason for carrying out each investigation,
  3. Identify the data obtained, and,
  4. If possible, do a little preliminary analysis and reasoning and comment on the validity of the initial hypothesis.


The foregoing is based on several sources.  The citations are not complete:

  1. ASCE, Guidelines for failure investigation, 1989
  2. ASCE, Guidelines for forensic engineering practice, ed., Gary L. Lewis, 2003
  3. ASCE, Guide to investigation of structural failure, Jack R. Janney, 1986
  4. Mr. Jack Osmond, NSPL, Affinity Contracting, Halifax
  5. Expert Witnessing; Explaining and Understanding Science, ed., Carl Meyer, 1999
  6. Steps in the civil litigation process

Copyright 2012, Eric E. Jorden. All rights reserved




Professional ethics and the tyranny of the bottom line

I was taken by two articles in the Fall Newsletter of APENS, The Engineer, that could be summarized by the following comments: “…engineers found guilty of misconduct...” and “…skills engineering schools should teach“.

(This does have something to do with forensic engineering as noted below)

The article about skills caught my attention first.  It was entitled, The Top 5 Skills Engineering Schools Should Teach, and was written by Natalie Cornelius, P.Eng. I agree with some of what Natalie writes but not all.  She identifies the following skills:

  1. Written communicatoin
  2. Attention to detail
  3. Networking, and/or how to call someone you barely know and get information
  4. Skillful negotiation
  5. Flexibility and adaptability

I agree with the first, believe the second is being addressed well enough in university now, and believe the remaining three are not fundamental enough for a university program in engineering.

I believe a skill that Natalie might have included was Verbal Communication.  There’s also another skill that, in some form or another, might be taught that I mention below.

The reason for my views on the article are beyond the scope of this posting.  But, I do think Natilie’s views on engineering curriculum could have been more helpful if her article had also reflected the results of interviews with senior engineers in engineering disciplines, fields of practice, and life experiences other than her own.

The article about engineers found guilty caught my attention second.  It was entitled, Engineers who declared Lake Algo Centre Mall structurally sound, found guilty of misconduct in 2010.  This is the Elliot Lake Mall that collapsed and that I blogged about a few weeks ago (Cause of roof collapse at Elliot Lake, published July 10, 2012).  The article in the APENS newsletter was originally published in The Globe and Mail on Saturday, July 14, 2012.

It was encouraging to see APENS carry this item about professional engineers who appear to have slipped up

It’s interesting that the engineer’s misconduct had something to do with engineering design and inspection.  These were areas that I thought in my blogging were deserving of hypothesizing, particularly construction inspection.

I can’t help but think of the pressure some practicing engineers are under to do the right thing in their work.  Few if any knowingly do the wrong thing but we are human and occasionally let our guard down and inadvertently do the wrong thing.

Those of us who are in private consulting practice learn early on to be careful of some clients – I could identify but won’t – who leverage the smallest amounts of capital to dizzy levels, and the professional engineers who are under pressure to produce inexpensive designs and are swept along in this leveraging.

I’ve thought for some time – months if not two or three years, about the subtle pressure professional engineers are under who work for commercial firms and fiscally responsible bureaucracies where the bottom line rules.  Most professional engineers work for organizations like these.  To some extent, engineering professionalism is threatened by the tyranny of the bottom line.

This conflict between the bottom line and professionalism has troubled me enough that I’ve thought to suggest to Chris MacDonald that he blog about ethics in the professions.  Chris – I count him as an acquaintance, took his course on critical thinking one time, and had some contact with him since – is a professor at Ryerson in Toronto, formerly with Saint Mary’s University, who blogs about business ethics.  Chris is extremely well recognized world wide in his field.  I think professional ethics is a fertile field for a chap like him with his insight and knowlege.

In any event, to wrap this up, and get back to the two articles I saw in the APENS newsletter, I think a course worthy of an engineering curriculum would be one on professional ethics and the pressures on these ethics in a capitalist society.  A raising of an awareness of these pressures on the part of the young engineer .

In Natalie Cornelius’ article, as I would revise it, I would add a course on Professional Ethics after the course on Verbal Communication that I suggested adding earlier, and this would be the last item in the list of skills.

Some of the young engineers will practice forensic engineering after they get a few decades of experience under their belts.  I can tell you that ethics plays a particularly important role in forensic engineering.  There is not a little pressure on a professional engineer to advocate for the client.  There is also the normal pressure of a human being identifying with the underdog after the cause of a failure is known.  These pressures threaten the professional engineer’s need to be objective as required by the courts.  A course in ethics would raise the young engineer’s awareness of these pressures and help him/her resist them.


  1. Cause of the roof collapse at Elliot Lake.  Published July 10, 2012







The role of a professional engineer assisting counsel prepare a Statement of Claim

Preparing and filing a Statement of Claim with the court – typically along with the Notice of Claim, is the second of four steps collectively known as the Pleadings in the civil litigation process.

A professional engineer or other expert can be particularly valuable at this stage.  Our forensic engineering investigations provide the evidence that establishes the technical facts and identifies the technical issues on which a claim for damages in the built environment is based.

We can also evaluate the technical content of the Statement of Defence and the technical strengths and weaknesses of the defence’s response to the plaintiff’s claims.

The following assumes the early involvement of a professional engineer to ensure a Statement of Claim is technically well founded.  Early involvement avoids the engineer or expert having to play catch up, and counsel finding himself out on a limb with a Statement of Claim that is not as technically complete and as well founded as it might have been.

The role of a professional engineer during previous steps in the civil litigation process was described in earlier postings – see the following references.  Our role in subsequent steps in the process through to trial will be described in future postings.

  • Notice of Claim
  • Statement of Claim
  • Statement of Defense
  • Affidavit of Documents

The Statement of Claim is more particular than the Notice of Claim.  It is a document that further describes the parties and defines their relationship(s) with each other.  The Statement of Claim is a listing of the facts.  In construction and engineering claims, the parties oftentimes have a formal contract.  In general negligence claims, the parties are often in proximity such that one owes the other a legal duty – to do or not do something.

Counsel for the plaintiff prepares a Statement of Claim that sets out the disputed issues and the claims the wronged party, the plaintiff, is making against the defendant.  The claims would include, for example, the relief sought – what the plaintiff wants the court to award.  This can be very general, such as claiming damages, costs, and interest.  It does not usually state exact dollar figures.

The Statement of Claim is served on the defendant by the plaintiff, typically through a process server who is engaged to personally hand-deliver the document to the defendant.  The person delivering the document swears an affidavit that this was done.

A professional engineer can assist counsel in the following ways during preparation of a Statement of Claim: :

  1. Review narrative from the complainant for technical evidence
  2. Review available evidence of lay witnesses, and other experts and specialists
  3. Complete the engineering investigation of the cause of the failure or accident, the technical issues and questions identified by counsel, and any follow-up investigations found to be necessary.  (Some preliminary engineering investigations during earlier steps in the civil litigation process would have alerted counsel as to the direction the engineering investigation seemed to be leading with respect to counsel’s interests)
  4. Analyse the data gathered during the investigations and establish the cause of the failure or the accident 
  5. Document the reasoning leading to the identification of the cause
  6. Define the technical issues between the parties as established during the investigations 
  7. Identify the technical facts relevant to the cause of the failure or accident
  8. Identify the evidence supporting the facts
  9. Review the Statement of Claim and confirm the correct understanding of the technical facts and issues in the claim the plaintiff is making against the defendant
  10. Identify parties that could be involved in the engineering failure or accident that have not been named in the Statement of Claim
  11. Prepare preliminary design of repair of the damaged structure 
  12. Prepare preliminary estimate of the cost of repair
  13. Prepare a report on the instruction of counsel describing the investigations, the data gathered, the analysis and reasoning, the findings, the conclusions, and the opinion formed
  14. Review the Statement of Defense, counter claims, and cross claims – and counsel’s response to these statements, and ensure correct understanding of technical facts and issues 
  15. Assess the technical strengths and weaknesses of the case for the defense, the counter claims and cross claims


  1. Steps in the civil litigation process.  Published August 28, 2012
  2. The role of a professional engineer in counsel’s decision to take a case.  Published June 26, 2012
  3. The role of a professional engineer assisting counsel prepare a Notice of Claim.  Published July 26, 2012
  4. Stockwood, Q.C., David, Civil Litigation, A Practical Handbook, 5th ed., 2004, Thompson Carswell
  5. ASCE Guidelines for Forensic Engineering Practice, 2003, American Society of Civil Engineers

Civil procedure Rule 55 will improve expert’s reports and forensic engineering investigation

Expert’s reports can be written better and there are resources available to enable them to do this.  This need will be driven in part by civil procedure rules such as Rule 55 in Nova Scotia, Canada.  These rules require an objective presentation of opinion to the court and a statement of the certainty with which these opinions are held.

Rule 55 will promote better report writing and forensic engineering investigation

When I first prepared a report two years ago according to the requirements of Rule 55 I was struck by the potential for this rule to promote better expert report writing,  And, by extension, better, more thorough forensic engineering investigation.  You can’t write a good report unless you’ve carried out a good investigation.  The rule reduces reliance on discovery in the civil litigation process and increases reliance on experts’ reports, and, by inference, sets a high standard for the reports.

Reason for poorly written expert reports – but no excuses 

I have been troubled by the poor composition, unsupported statements, and leaps of faith in drawing conclusions – some that would scare a tightrope walker, that I’ve seen in some experts’ reports.  No surprise given that we engineers and scientists like to measure things, crunch numbers and analyse data.  We are not wordsmiths by nature.  But this doesn’t relieve us of the responsibility to communicate our findings in simple English and to do it effectively.

Not to fault the techncal expert too much.  We are not educated and trained to communicate with lay people.  We then practice for several decades communicating for the most part with other technical types – no simple English skills needed; jargon only spoken here.  Finally, we are retained in later years for our extensive technical knowledge and experience and presented as experts to the courts – only to find we can’t write and speak simple English to civil litigation lawyers, judges, and juries.

Nor is the civil litigation lawyer – the wordsmith in the process, relieved of a responsibility to confirm that the expert they retain can present their findings in well written, laymen’s terms.  That they can write so judges and juries can understand.  The role of the expert in the judicial system is to interpret and explain technical material.  One role of the lawyer is ensuring that he or she understands the report before it goes forward.  The lawyer is like a gate keeper.

Being technical is neither an excuse nor the justification for poor writing.  The inability to write well is a career-limiting short-coming (see Ref. 1) – and a potential embarrassment to lawyers, judges, and juries, not to mention the engineer and the scientist.

Source of experience leading to my views on the state of expert report writing

My experience leading to these views has been with engineering and legal firms ranging in size from sole practicioners to 50 to 75 staff.  Firms located in eastern and western Canada, and overseas in Australia, the U.K., and the Caribbean.

However, my colleague, Gary Bartlett, noted that he experienced a culture in much larger organizations – 200 staff, that encouraged and required good writing skills, and they achieved this (1).  Gary was an electrical engineer with the Canadian air force – air crew, for about 12 years then with the aerospace industry for at least another 25 years.  He still writes reports for the industry.

So, while there is a problem out there, the character and extent of it varies.  It behooves the lawyer in selecting an expert to learn a little something about where his expert is coming from.  I plan to publish an item in future on how to find an expert and what to look for.

Sources for expert report writers

CDs and books

I was prompted to write this item on receiving the latest edition of a newsletter from Expert Communications, Dallas, Texas, a few days ago.  This firm provides expert witness training tools and other services for experts.

The newsletter announced the availability of a CD on report writing entitled, Expert Report Writing: Effective and Defensible.  The CD is an hour-long teleseminar of a discussion between Rosalie Hamiliton of Expert Communications and Steven Babitsky, president of SEAK, Inc.  SEAK also provides services to experts.

Steven is formerly a trial attorney and a co-author of Writing and Defending Your Expert Report.  This book is one of the best I’ve read and studied on the subject.  Every expert should be given a copy by their retaining counsel.

Rosalie told me last Thursday that If you have Steven’s book you don’t need the CD, although they do complement one another to some extent.  But, she says – and I agree, that if you don’t have time to read a book – and many of us don’t these days – and actually like to get your education via oral and video presentations, then the CD will provide some insight into this important topic of report writing – and possibly contain a zinger from Steven Babitsky.

Critical thinking course

Talking about oral presentations, one of the most valuable experiences I’ve had in recent years, with respect to my practice in forensic engineerng investigation and the accompanying report writing, was to take a course in critical thinking.

This was an intensive, year-long, two, 1.5 hour lectures a week, course given by Professor Chris MacDonald at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax (Chris is now at Ryerson University in Toronto).  There was considerable emphasis in the course on looking critically at the basis of statements made to us and that we make; What’s the statement founded on?  What are you personally saying and basing your statement on?  These are critical questions for an expert to keep in mind when writing a report.

(You might be interested in Professor MacDonald’s blog on business ethics and behaviour at  He’s had it up for over six years – and it’s well written.  It’s been rated one of the most influencial business blogs a number of times since he put it up)

The importance of instruction in critical thinking can be gathered from the fact that hundreds of first year students at Saint Mary’s and other universities are required or encouraged to take this course.  The course was given by three different professors the year I took it.  My class had about 200 students.

Experts, regardless of how experienced, well known, and long in the tooth they might be would benefit from a course like this – and their expert reports would be better for it.

But, like reading books, not everyone can take time out to take courses at a university.  I’m beginning to think that sources like those at can help solve that problem.

This firm offers several hundred courses on DVD on a range of topics including critical thinking, reasoning, and writing.  The presentations are good and reasonably priced.  You receive a synopsis of the course with the DVD if you still want to do some reading.  A transcript of the lectures can also be purchased.  Some of the courses are interactive.  I have three of their courses on reasoning and writing.

Arguing and report writing

Gaining some understanding of Toulmin logic would also benefit those of us writing expert reports.  I see it as a practical logic as opposed to a formal logic.  Toulmin advocates – analogous with existing practice in law – a procedural rather than a formal notion of validity.  He outlines a way that assertions and opinions can be rationally justified.

His text, The Uses of Argument, is a hard read because of the terminology and style of writing in vogue in the U.K. in the 1950s when he first published his ideas.  But, fortunately, you can go on-line and view graphical representations of his ideas which I thought were quite good.  There are also courses and lectures on his methods in simple English.  The illustrations will remind experts in writing their reports of the importance of ensuring their statements are well founded.

There’s no shortage of sources on writing better expert reports

There’s no shortage of guidance and no excuse for not writing better expert reports.  This will come about driven by the high standards required by civil procedure rules like Rule 55 in Nova Scotia.  Rules like this will out the poor writers.


  1. Personal communication. Gary Bartlett, P.Eng., VP Engineering, (ret’d), IMP Aerospace, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  2. Expert Communications, Dallas, Texas
  3. SEAK, Inc., United States
  4. Toulmin, Stephen E., The uses of argument, updated edition, 2003, Cambridge

In the beginning there was civil engineering

In the beginning there was civil engineering.  Well, possibly shortly after military engineering.  And from civil engineering came forth other engineering disciplines.  And society saw that this was good.

Including, good for civil litigation lawyers and insurance claims managers – good in the wide selection of engineering expertise available to a forensic engineer investigating the cause of a client’s problem.

I’ve written this item to introduce you to some of the different engineering specialties.  These are listed below.  Lists can be boring so I’ve added a little history and my take on how some specialities got started.

Society has been “engineered” for 1,000s of years

Engineering has contributed to the development of society since the beginning of human existence.  Back when humans started to give up a nomadic way of life, settling down, and erecting more permanent shelters – structures, as in built-environment.  Civil engineering would have developed as the built environment developed.

I’m certain that military engineering evolved at the same time considering how difficult societies can be with one another.

Some literature indicates that the earliest practice of civil engineering may have begun between 4,000 and 2,000 BC in ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq). Construction of the pyramids in Egypt (circa 2,700 – 2,500) might be considered the first instances of the construction of large structures.

Also, the manner in which the blocks in the pyramids were fitted together demonstrated an early appreciation of a very basic and important principle in geotechnical and foundation engineering. The beginning of geotechnical engineering?

The Romans developed civil structures throughout their empire (circa 2,700 BC – 410 AD) including aqueducts, insulae (a kind of urban apartment building), harbours, bridges, dams, and roads.

(I must confess, I don’t know what was happening in Asia and other parts of the world. For certain, the built environmennt and civil engineering were developing in areas other than in Europe)

The “first” civil engineer

The term, “civil engineering”, was coined in the 18th century to incorporate all things civil as opposed to military engineering.

The first self-proclaimed civil engineer was John Smeaton who constructed the Eddystone Lighthouse in Great Britain.  In 1771 he and some of his colleagues formed the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers.  In 1818 the Institution of Civil Engineers was formed in Great Britain essentially formally recognizing civil engineering as a profession (but, I’ve seen some information about the formation of a professional body in France somewhat earlier).

Evidence of the modern practice of civil engineering

Modern practice in civil engineering and its specialties can be seen today in the development of Dartmouth Crossing outside Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

A natural environment has been turned into a built environment almost overnight. A built environment that includes:

  • Engineered single and multistory retail, residential (hotel), and service buildings,
  • Roads,
  • Small dams,
  • Small bridges,
  • Structural fills of soil and rock,
  • Deep rock cuts,
  • Storm water and domestic sewage collection and treatment systems,
  • Water supply and distribution systems, and,
  • Electrical power distribution systems.

Civil engineering takes place today on all levels of society. In the private sector, from individual home owners to international companies. In the public sector, from municipal governments to national governments.

Where did the different engineering disciplines come from?

Today there is a long list of specialized areas in civil engineering to serve and provide for the built environment.  They can all be called on in forensic engineering investigation to determine the cause of a failure in the built environment.

Where did these specialized engineering fields come from?  They developed as the needs of society developed.

Computer engineering, an easy example to understand, developed and came to be recognized as a field of study as computers developed in the last 50 to 60 years.

Another, fairly easy example, is structural engineering – for certain, developed if not named 1,000s of years ago, because structures had to be held up somehow.  Structural engineering provides for the support of structures.  There are no sky hooks.

There was technology before today’s technology-saturated age. Think industrial revolution, a time when technological development would have been as intense for the time as technological development is today.

It’s easy to understand mechanical engineering and electrical engineering splitting off from civil engineering during the industrial revolution and named as such.  Chemical engineering might not have been too far behind applying the principles of chemistry as this science developed.

Geotechnical engineering grew out of the science of soil mechanics, developed during the 1930s.  It was recognized then that everything in the built environment is supported on the ground, and that soil, rock and groundwater are construction materials that must be engineered properly.

Take a look at the following list of engineering specialties available to society and the forensic engineer to gain some appreciation of where we are today:

Some areas of civil engineering

  1. Structural engineering
  2. Foundation
  3. Geotechnical
  4. Construction
  5. Forensic
  6. Materials
  7. Mechanical
  8. Electrical
  9. Industrial
  10. Chemical
  11. Municipal
  12. Transportation
  13. Surveying
  14. Environmental
  15. Hydraulic
  16. Aeronautical
  17. Computer


  1. Encyclopedia Britannica
  2. Pears Cyclopaedia, 107 ed., 1998
  3. Blake, L. S., ed, Civil engineer’s reference book, 3rd ed, Buttherworks, 1975
  4. Chen, W. F., ed, The civil engineering handbook, CRC Press, 1995
  5. Wikipedia





Flying objects, injured people, and forensic engineering investigation

I read the report in yesterday’s Chronicle Herald about flying pieces of metal injuring four people on a popular ride in Yarmouth.

It occurs to me at this distance that this should be a fairly easy failure to investigate with a visual assessment by perhaps an experienced mechanical engineer.  For certain, to at least enable a tentative statement of cause.

This is because the surfaces from which the metal came loose are likely to be exposed to view.  And because there are likely to be other units (chairs?) in the ride apparatus that are identical with the metal still in place.  This would afford a before and after comparision of the in-place condition of the pieces of metal.  This type of comparision can yield good evidence.

(A failure in engineering occurs when something in the built environment doesn’t perform properly)

A visual assessment doesn’t sound very technical but it is always valuable and sometimes all that is necessary.  And it is an essential part of the main steps in the failure investigation process:

  • Acquisition of data
  • Analysis of data
  • Formulation of opinion

One time, I investigated the reason a piece of ice fell from a structure and struck and injured a person.  My investigation was based almost entirely on a visual assessment of the exposed surfaces of the structure.  I did this to some extent from a distance with binoculars and a camera with telescopic lens.

I also was able to compare the condition of the part of the structure involved with other unaffected parts of the structure and other structures in the area that were the same.

I analysed the data – largely taken from a visual assessment, formed my opinion, submitted my report, and, I understand, a dispute that had been ongoing for several years was resolved within a few months.

This situation with the falling ice seems very similar to the situation in Yarmouth with the flying pieces of metal.

At the very least, an initial hypothesis could be formed as to the cause of the problem based on a simple visual assessment.  This hypothesis could then be investigated by more detailed forensic engineering investigation, if this in fact is necessary.

The Nova Scotia Department of Labour are investigating and I’m certain we’ll know the answer soon enough.


American Society of Civil Engineers, Guidelines for Failure Investigation, 1989

The Chronice Herald, Thursday, August 2, 2012, page A6


Drought can cause property damage

In addition to the potentially low crop yield being reported in the local and national Canadian and U.S. press.

Reports from the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, a prime agricultural area, note  the worst drought conditions in 10 years.  I spoke with one grower several weeks ago who incredulously noted that rain had not fallen on his crops in two months.  This in an area – eastern Canada, where a low pressure system goes through about every three or four days, often accompanied by rain.  We are fond of saying down here that the weather builds character.  I can just imagine what my grower is saying now, possibly unprintable.

Forensic engineers consider the effects of drought in some investigations.

Effects of drought

Foundations of buildings and civil engineering structures can settle or subside in drought conditions.  This can happen to both new and old structures.  This kind of settlement is in addition to that usually predicted by geotechnical engineers during foundation design.  That is, settlement due to the more normal loads on a structure – see the item published July 10, 2012 for comment describing more normal design loads.

(Geotechnical engineers investigate the physical properties of soils and rocks and advise design engineers of the effects of these properties on structures)

Foundation settlement due to drought is not usually considered in engineering design when assessing the loads on a structure in eastern Canada.  This is because this type of settlement is often slight.  Also because there is seldom a scarcity of rain in eastern Canada so we seldom experience drought conditions.

But, it should be considered elsewhere in Canada and the U.S.  And in the future down east considering the possible effects of global warming on climate change as suggested by some. And maybe during the present drought.

(Engineers think of loads as something than can affect a structure and most be provided for or accommodated in design.  There is certainly an argument for considering the effects of drought as a load on a structure even if dismissed quickly most of the timel)

Is this too esoteric a matter for engineers to be concerned with – the effects of drought on conventional structures in the built environment?  I don’t think so.

Let’s not be too quick to dismiss slight foundation settlement due to drought as insignificant.  It can be very significant to transformer foundations in substations and to the foundations of free standing, un-guyed towers and to wind turbines. (Substations are components of an electrical power distribution system)

These types of structures are quite sensitive to foundation settlement.  They are sensitive to a few millimetres settlement, like, less than 5 millimetres.  Whereas more conventional structures – such as many low-rise buildings, can tolerate in the order of 25 millimetres, and some structures somewhat more than this.

How drought causes foundation problems and damage

How can drought cause foundation settlement?  It’s quite easy and the reason will take you back to your high school physics class.

A drought causes the watertable to drop.  We all know about that – think dug wells going dry.  When the watertable drops the groundwater “drains” out of the soil above.  The soil is no longer submerged below the watertable.  The recently drained, relatively dry soil above the watertable – due to the drought, is now heavier.  Think back to your high school physics and the fact that the dry unit weight of a soil is heavier than the submerged unit weight.

Relatively dry soil will settle due to its (increased) weight, due to its increased “self weight”.  Foundations on soil that is settling or subsiding will also settle – go down with the subsiding soil.  And this can be caused by drought as we saw above.

For example, the gardeners amongst us have seen the soil in a recently planted container settle over a period of days.  This is due to the self weight of the soil causing compression or settlement within the soil.  The increased self weight of a soil that is suddenly above the watertable due to a drought will have the same effect – cause the soil to compress.

Another example is the depression across the road at the former location of a construction trench that has been filled in with soil.  A lot of this depression is due to compression within the soil due to its self weight.

The same engineering principle underlies these examples as does the effects of drought.

I can easily imagine drought causing significant settlement that is greater than slight settlement, particularly with recently designed and constructed structures in areas that have not experienced drought before.

The evidence for this lies in Mexico City.  The city has been settling for years, totalling several feet in some areas and causing much damage as you can imagine.  This settlement is due to a lowering of the watertable.  The watertable was lowered when water was pumped from wells in the city over many years.

Pumping is a different kind of assault on the watertable than drought.  But the soil doesn’t care what causes the watertable to drop and its self weight to increase.  When this occurs the soil is going to settle causing greater or lesser damage to any foundations above.

The drought occurring now can conceiveably cause foundation problems.  But a forensic engineer investigating a specific problem would need to look at factors like the sensitivity of the foundation to settlement, the magnitude of the drop in the watertable, the soil, and historical records of drought in an area.

An experienced geotechnical engineer in many parts of North America will consider the effects of drought on a structure.  They might see it as a load on a structure the effects of which – increased foundation settlement, must be provided for by a design engineer.

An experienced forensic engineer will consider the effects of drought when investigating the cause of the poor performance or complete collapse/failure of a structure.



The role of a professional engineer assisting counsel prepare a Notice of Claim

If counsel decides to take a case after meeting with the client and assessing the merits of his or her claim – see post, June 26, 2012, and the dispute has not been resolved by some other means, then civil litigation formally begins with counsel preparing a Notice of Claim.

Preparing and filing a Notice of Claim is one of the first four steps in the civil litigation process collectively known as the Pleadings – several additional steps continue the process to trial:

  • Notice of Claim
  • Statement of Claim
  • Statement of Defense
  • Affidavit of Documents

The Pleadings concisely define the issues between the parties and set out the facts.  The Notice of Claim describes the parties and the fact that the Plaintiff is starting a legal action in court against a defendant or a group of defendants.  The Statements of Claim and Defence, and Counter Claims are a listing of the facts, including the technical facts.

Counsel, in preparing a Notice of Claim, might take a closer look at the existing information relied on initially in deciding whether or not to take the case.

Deciding to prepare a Notice of Claim and go forward with an action is a critical step for counsel and the client.  It’s a critical step because the Plaintiff has gone public in a sense and is on record that they believe they are entitled to damages for a perceived wrong.  To some extent there’s no turning back.  The decision to prepare and file a Notice of Claim must be well informed – see below, Case #1; Damaged Aircraft Wing.

Professional engineers can assist at this stage by also studying the existing information more closely, identifying the known technical issues and facts, and assessing the technical position of the parties that might be involved in the action.  Some new information is likely to be gathered by the engineer (see list below) because of the critical nature of this step.

(Up to this point – preparing a Notice of Claim – an assessment of merit is based mainly on existing information.  Preparing a Statement of Claim to which the Notice of Claim is typically attached is certain to involve some detailed gathering of new information – see future posting).

The role of a professional engineer would involve carrying out the following tasks.  Technical data from these tasks would contribute to counsel’s assessment of the strength of a case and whether or not to actually prepare and file a Notice of Claim and begin a lawsuit:

  1. Visit the site and visually examine exposed surfaces
  2. Confirm Plaintiff’s complaint that the structure has failed or is not performing properly
  3. Study documents and existing information in more detail
  4. Develop initial hypothesis of failure
  5. Refine identification of technical issues
  6. Assess the technical strengths and weaknesses of the case for each party identified by counsel
  7. Brief counsel on where engineering investigations appear to be leading with respect to an opinion on the Plaintiff’s claim and its legitimacy
  8. Outline main engineering investigative tasks
  9. Revise possible investigative costs based on the main tasks, the engineer’s past experience, and engineering precedents

Case #1; Damaged Aircraft Wing: Assessing technical strength.  A lawyer considered that his client had a claim for more than one million dollars in damages to an aircraft wing.  The lawyer was quite certain about this.  It was understood that hydrochloric acid had formed in an exhaust pipe from a paint shop and dripped on the wing corroding the skin and the spar inside.  A professional engineer was retained to investigate the situation.  He established during a visual examination of the site that the aircraft wing was damaged by acid but the situation was such that the client did not have a strong case.  Preparation of the Notice of Claim was stopped.    


  1. Stockwood, Q.C., David, Civil Litigation, A Practical Handbook, 5th edition, Thompson Carswell, 2004
  2. Walker, Janet, General Ed., The Civil Litigation Process: Cases and Materials, 6th edition, Emond Montgomery Publications, 2005
  3. The Civil Litigation Process – An Overview, Heydary Samuel, Ontario
  4. Going to Court: Civil Trial Procedure, Community Legal Information Association of P.E.I., Inc. November 2003
  5. Flow charts summarizing the process of civil litigation under the Rules of Civil Procedure, Ontario, January 1, 2010



Unsafe roof debris at Elliot Lake an easy call for a professional engineer

Removing a pile of debris is like the game of pick-up-sticks where you lose if a stick moves.  Only with roof debris your “loss” might be an injury possibly a serious one to yourself or the survivors you’re seeking.

Professional engineers know about supporting and holding things up properly.  That’s what structural engineering is all about.  Having a forensic structural engineer on the first response team would seem to be a good idea.  They are going to be involved in any event determining the cause of the collapse.

Good response leadership – which was lacking at the Elliot Lake roof collapse according to an editorial in Saturday’s Globe and Mail, needs good advice.  What better place to get it than from people who design things to stand up?

Swift action involving engineers is also needed because so much of the evidence associated with a collapse is of a perishable nature – some of it highly perishable.  Steel and concrete fracture surfaces will corrode and weather, debris will be moved and memories will fade.

The first steps in the forensic structural engineering investigation of a collapse are critical and concerned with safety in the debris, the “pile of sticks” that the debris is not at all unlike.  They may also profoundly influence the success of subsequent forensic technical investigations.

The engineer may be requested to assess the safety and stability of a structure for a variety of possible reasons:

  1. To assist in identifying the safest routes through the debris, or identifying areas that must be avoided until stabilized
  2. To assist in identifying components that are in imminent danger of further collapse.
  3. To evaluate methods of stabilizing the structure.
  4. To assist in determining whether it is advisable to provide protection for the public.
  5. To assist in evaluating alternative demolition or dismantling sequences.

An argument could even be made for having the first response team to a collapse site headed up and directed by a professional engineer with a project management background.


The Globe and Mail, Saturday, June 30, 2012, page F8 Comment.

Ratay, Robert T., Forensic Structural Engineering Handbook, Chap. 4, The First Steps After a Failure, McGraw Hill, 2000


The role of a professional engineer in counsel’s decision to take a case

Civil litigation tentatively begins when counsel meets with a potential client.  The purpose is to gather information to help him or her assess the merits of the case and decide if he should take it.

A professional engineer could have a role in this meeting, or in consultation shortly afterwards.  This is particularly the case if the legal and technical issues are likely to be complex requiring extensive engineering investigation to support a reliable opinion.

                 “I’ve seen cases that should never have gone forward …”

I’ve seen cases that should never have gone forward.  Not because of a lack of technical merit but because of the client’s limited financial resources to bear the cost of the forensic engineering investigation necessary to determine the cause of the problem.  These would be costs learned about after a claim was filed and discoveries held – and only after a professional engineer was retained to investigate the technical issues.

During the meeting, counsel obtains information from the client’s description of the problem and the damages he believes he has incurred, documents provided by the client, knowledge of witnesses, answers to questions raised by the lawyer, the lawyer’s past experience of similar matters, and comments by an expert on the technical issues.

One of several important considerations covered by the meeting and the lawyer’s review of the facts is the need for an expert on the case.  An expert can make or break a case and if thought to be necessary should be chosen carefully and retained early (Ref.1).  Even if only retained briefly to support counsel’s assessment of merit, in the event counsel decides not to take the case.

If a professional engineer is not included in the meeting, then counsel might confer with one later during his review of the facts prior to making a decision about taking the case.  The engineer would, of course, review the information from the meeting, particularly the documents, and identify the technical issues prior to counseling the lawyer.

The engineer can also provide very preliminary comment on the engineering investigation needed to address the technical issues and to formulate an opinion on the cause giving rise to them.  The engineer would educate counsel by outlining some of the tasks that would need to be carried out during an investigation and the time to do these – factors that can have a significant impact on the cost of litigation.

If the technical issues are complex – and the engineer can certainly help determine that, the monetary claim for damages likely to be substantial, and the lawsuit quite lengthy then this will affect the client’s litigation costs.  The client’s ability to bear these costs is important information in counsel’s decision on taking the case.  An engineer can have a role in assisting counsel make that decision.

Following are tasks that a professional engineer – or any expert for that matter, could carry out during or shortly after counsel’s first meeting with a potential client to assist counsel’s decision about taking the case:

  1. Attend and audit the meeting for technical issues, or meet with counsel shortly afterwards
  2. Review client’s descriptions of the problem and the reasons for claiming damages
  3. Read available documents
  4. Review witness’ statements as soon as taken by counsel
  5. Begin identification of potential technical issues
  6. Begin identification of technical documents counsel to seek
  7. Familiarize counsel on the typical stages and tasks in a forensic engineering investigation, the fact of unexpected follow-up investigations, the fact that investigations can lead in unexpected directions, the time required, and the difficulty estimating costs 
  8. Identify physical evidence, tangible exhibits and possible demonstrative evidence
  9. Brief counsel on parties that might be involved in the potential litigation and their relationship to the technical issues
  10. Provide information that would facilitate early settlement
  11. Note unfavourable evidence for the potential client’s claim
  12. Remind counsel that only one side of the story is known.  The opponent’s story and documents could give rise to a small shift in the technical facts and alter the complexion of the claim
  13. Tentatively assess the technical merits of the case with respect to the potential parties
  14. Outline preliminary engineering investigation and the major tasks involved
  15. Speculate on follow-up investigations
  16. Identify specialists that may be required
  17. Speculate on the order of magnitude of investigative costs
  18. If counsel decides to take the case, and position letters are appropriate, ensure that demand letters, and responses, are based only on well-established technical facts and data as known at the time


1. Stockwood, Q.C., David, Civil Litigation, A Practical Handbook, 5th ed, 2004, Thompson Carswell