U.S. civil litigation lawyer on using air photos in environmental litigation

You might be interested in an article by a U.S. civil litigation lawyer on the use of aerial photographs in environmental litigation – see Appendix.  I came across it while researching material for a forensic engineering investigation that I was carrying out.

References at the end of the article in the Appendix might be of interest to civil litigation lawyers in eastern Canada.

The article is quite descriptive and detailed.  It possibly claims a bit more potential for these types of high altitude aerial photographs taken from 1,000s of feet than is actually the case, but the claim is close to reality.

For certain, all the claims for high level aerial photographs do apply to the low level aerial photographs taken with drones at 10s to 100s of feet that I noted recently. (Refs 1 to 4)  I’ve used both high and low level aerial photographs in my civil, geotechnical and forensic engineering work for years.

Following are a few non-technical comments on aerial photographs to help you know if the method is applicable to your case:

High level aerial photography

This type of high altitude aerial photography is readily available everywhere in north America.

The ground is photographed from aircraft flying at altitudes of several 1,000s of feet.  You get photographs of quite extensive areas – 1,000s of feet across.  However, you can sometimes identify quite small objects as mentioned in the article in the Appendix.  You can also view a site in 3D with overlapping pairs of photographs.

The civil engineer/former land surveyor in me does not usually go on the site of an engineering failure or problem without first getting this type of photography.  I got it most recently for a site in Cape Breton, N.S.

The high altitude photography has particular application to tracking changing conditions on the ground over time or the conditions at a site at some point in the past.  Like the activity on a site as noted in the article.

On one occasion, I relied on high level photography during the forensic investigation of the inadequate underpinning of a structure – to confirm what was not there.


Lidar (Light, Radar), another form of high level remote sensing from an aeroplane, is not so readily available but invaluable when it is.  It measures distance by illuminating a target – e.g., a point on the ground, with a laser and analysing the reflected light.  Radar measures the location of the point.  A gazillion points are illuminated and measured and a contoured topographic map produced.

It was very valuable during my investigation of a failure in Sydney.  The site had flooded, a building had settled and the foundations cracked, and a swimming pool had settled a lot – catastrophically.  Lidar imagery clearly showed the probable cause of the flooding and settlement – from an altitude of several 1,000s of feet.  This was one of the most satisfying experiences I’ve had using remote sensing technology to investigate the cause of a failure.

Low level photography with drones

This type of low altitude photography is readily available in eastern Canada and at reasonable cost.  The drones consist of rotorcraft – mini helicopters, and small, fixed wing aircraft fitted with a camera.  The craft are a few feet in size.  They are flown remotely by a pilot on the ground.  The investigating engineer directs the pilot on the photographs and video to take.  That is, the altitude above the site, the distance from the site and the angle with respect to the horizon, also whether still or video.

Photographs taken from drones flying at metres to 10s of metres are able to record existing conditions in considerable detail – almost minute, at the time of the flight.  It is easy to see an object six inches across – even a toonie, in such photographs.  Low level photography produces images of very compact sites – 10s to 100s of metres across.

It can also be used today to start building a photographic record of changing site conditions for study and analysis in the future.

Low level aerial photographs taken from drones would have been quite useful in the forensic investigation of the bridge that failed while under construction in Edmonton earlier this year. (Refs 5 and 6)

Before drones fitted with cameras were available, I occasionally hired small planes to fly over a site and take photographs at quite low levels – several 100s of metres.  I occasionally went aloft in the plane myself.

This technique was quite valuable to me in solving problems with a sewage lagoon in the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia one time.  From above, you could easily see the line of seepage where the lagoon was leaking.

In both low and high altitude photography, and the study, analysis, and interpretation of the images of what’s on the ground – known as ‘terrain analysis’ – ground proofing is essential. (Ref. 7) This involves going on the site and checking at selected locations that what you thought you saw in the photographs is actually on the ground.


There’s a lot of sophisticated aerial photographic techniques being used in forensic investigation today.  I’m using them in eastern Canada, and they are getting good use in the U.S. as indicated in the article in the Appendix.

But, at the end of the day, an expert has to get on site and “get his hands dirty and mud on his boots” examining the site in detail – something more than the ground proofing noted above. (Ref. 8)


  1. A picture is worth a 1,000 words, possibly many 1,000s in forensic engineering with a new aerial photographic technique.  Posted January 15, 2014
  2. New forensic aerial photographic method proving extremely valuable.  Posted  January 30, 2015
  3. Forensic photography – the expertise available in eastern Canada.  Posted February 26, 2015
  4. Fixed wing drones – another tool in forensic engineering investigation.  Posted November 4, 2015
  5. Globe and Mail page A8 Tuesday March 17, 2015, “Buckled girders may delay Edmonton bridge a year”
  6. Wind, construction crane and inadequate cross-bracing caused Edmonton bridge failure: An initial hypothesis.  Posted March 27, 2015
  7. Way, Douglas S., Terrain Analysis: A guide to site selection using aerial photographic interpretation, 2nd edition, 1978, McGraw Hill, New York
  8. An expert’s “dirty hands and muddy boots”.  Posted December 20, 2013


Using Aerial Photography to Win Environmental Cases by Kim K. Burke

June 7, 2011

Most environmental lawyers and consultants are first introduced to aerial photographs when reviewing Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) prepared in accordance with ASTM E-1527-05.  However, the use of aerial imagery in Phase I ESA reports to determine historical site conditions barely scratches the surface of the effective use of aerial photography.

Aerial photography, also referred to as aerial imagery (as a component of remote sensing), is a potent tool for environmental trial lawyers.  Databases of aerial photographs from 1938 are readily available through aerial photography clearinghouses.

The photos are usually taken with a high resolution camera using overlapping images.  The overlapping images are called “stereo pairs” and when viewed as “diapositives” through a stereoscope on a light table produce a three dimensional image of the surface features: buildings, drainage patterns, ravines, containers, tanks, vehicles, mounds, etc.  Vertical and horizontal surface features can be measured, depending on the quality of the photographs.

Aerial photography interpretation can be used in conjunction with geographic information systems (GIS) to develop trial exhibits recreating site conditions at the time of important historic environmental events.

Accurate aerial photography interpretation is a critical component of environmental forensics.  The stereo pairs should be interpreted by a seasoned imagery analyst trained in environmental remote sensing.  Many analysts are former employees of the military or the U.S. government.

Finding a qualified environmental imagery analyst is difficult, because the telltale signs or marks on the aerial photographs of ground level activity, referred to as “signatures,” are different for 55 gallon drums or former burial pits than, for example, intermediate range ballistic missiles.

Stereo pairs are usually shot by aircraft when cloud and vegetative cover are at a minimum (excepting aerial imagery by agencies analyzing crop growth).

Some aerial photos are taken using cameras that detect ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum not visible to the human eye, such as infrared signatures.

The detail can be stunning: some aerial images permit identification of features as small as six inches, and in some cases permit license numbers to be read on vehicles when taken from low-altitude oblique angles.

Collecting and analyzing the historical library of aerial imagery is not a task for most environmental consultants.  Specialists can call upon not only the more widely used public sources of aerial photographs, but also upon databases of lesser-known aerial photography companies that operate on a regional basis.

Because of the incredible detail and information that can be extracted from stereo positives viewed through a stereoscope on a light table (a table that projects diffuse light from underneath the positive images into the stereoscope), it is usually a mistake to order “prints” from the public resources offering to sell historical aerial photos.

To say that aerial photography can be a game changer in environmental cases is an understatement: in one case handled by this firm, the historical aerial photographs showed trucks tipped to dump waste into a ravine…a fact denied by the prior owner of the real property.1   The case settled shortly after sharing these photos with the responsible party.

Juries are intrigued and persuaded by visual and scientific evidence…sometimes known as the “CSI effect.”2   This law firm has used the testimony of experts interpreting environmental signatures on historic aerial photographs.3   The impact on jurors (and judges)4 can be profound.

Environmental attorneys and consultants not trained in aerial photography signature interpretation can miss important clues about past uses of the property.5

The photographs can also be used during, or after, witness interviews to test the accuracy of a person’s memory.

Of course, aerial photographs provide an excellent means of impeaching the credibility of opposing witnesses who testify with professed certainty about different historic site features.

For more information about the effective use of aerial photographs in environmental cases, please contact Kim Burke or any member of the Taft Environmental Practice Group.


1Burke, Kim K., The Use of Experts in Environmental Litigation: A Practitioner’s Guide, 25 N.Ky.Law Rev. 111 (1997).

2Lawson, Tamara F., Before The Verdict and Beyond the Verdict: The CSI Infection Within Modern Criminal Jury Trials, 41 Loy.U.Chi.L.J. 119 (Fall 2009).

3Stout, Kristen K. and Hickerson, Glen H., Environmental Research, Inc., The Use of Aerial Photography to Determine Contamination Events at Agricultural Chemical Facilities, Proceedings before the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Colorado Springs, CO (Feb. 2003).

4Nutrasweet Company v. X-L Engineering Company, 227 F.3d 776, 788 (7th Cir. 2000)(expert testimony interpreting aerial photographs admissible to show history of site contamination).

5Burke, Kim K., 1999 Annual Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences: Experts and Attorneys in Environmental Litigation: Avoiding Common Mistakes, Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, FL.

Falls have overtaken motor-vehicle accidents as the major cause of serious injury in Canada – and many are preventable including the litigation that sometimes results

It`s so easy to do stupid things.  I know this from experience.

I thought this when I read the front page of today`s National Post about the increase in accidents when people fall from ladders, porch railings and roofs trying to hang Christmas lights.

The item reports studies documenting the increase in accidents seen by Canadian hospitals to people putting up their lights.  Many are severe some are deadly.

One hospital reported an average of four severe accidents per year at Christmas in the past decade.  Another indicates 14 times as many check in at Christmas for less serious Christmas-light injuries.

We forget when we are on a ladder that we are one to three stories above the ground.  I forgot.

I investigated the cause of a fatal step ladder accident a few years ago.  A chap was one story up checking services above a hung ceiling when he fell, struck his head and died.

Three months later I was one story up nailing a board in place on a storage shed on my property, leaned too far and fell.  The fall knocked me out for long seconds.  I was lucky though because there were cobbles and small boulders exposed at the ground surface and my head missed every one.

Decoration-installing falls are only a sub-set of a much larger, generally overlooked problem.

The National Post reports that falls in general have overtaken motor-vehicle accidents as the major cause of serious injury in Canada.

It`s no different in the U.S. where more than one million people suffer from a slip, trip or fall each year.  In 2005, 17,700 died as a result of falls (U. S. National Safety Council, 2007).  In public places, falls are far and away the leading cause of injury.

I`ve read some of the engineering literature on the investigation of slip, trip and fall accidents, and the slip and fall legal practice handbooks.  Many falls are preventable.  This is far cheaper than pressing or defending a claim for damages.

Last evening I went for a swim in a rec centre.  As per my routine, I bake a little in the sauna before and after my swim – also soak in the hot tub.  The sauna floor has a very good skid resistant mat.  The pool deck is also highly skid resistance.  The shower room floor just outside the sauna and the dressing room floor beyond are as slippery as any I’ve seen.  A preventable slip and fall accident waiting to happen.


Fixed wing drones – another tool in forensic engineering investigation

As I mentioned in earlier blogs, low level aerial photographs taken from small helicopters – rotorcraft drones, are invaluable in forensic engineering investigation.  (Refs 1 to 3)  Using a small helicopter to take pictures a few 10s of metres above the ground could also be fun – if it weren`t for the seriousness of the issues in an engineering failure or personal injury accident.

Google ‘You Tube Wetthetent7’ and view a fun video of scenes on Prince Edward Island taken from a rotorcraft drone fitted with a camera.  The potential for serious forensic photography with these mini aircraft is obvious.

Fixed wing dronesaircraft drones, are also valuable in forensic work.  I learned about these earlier this year.  Servant Dunbrack McKenzie MacDonald, (SDMM), Halifax, a land surveying and engineering firm own one.  They demonstrated it’s uses to me.

Where rotorcraft drones hover over a site taking low level, aerial photographs, fixed wing drones fly across the site taking low level photographs.  They do much the same as the aircraft flying1,000s of metres above the ground taking the aerial photographs relied on by civil engineers for years.  Except the photographs are of what you want, taken on the day you want, from the height and angle you want, and more detailed and cheaper.

SDMM are using fixed wing drones to map open pit mines.  The low level aerial photographs can also be used to make topographic and infrastructure maps – maps of the built environment and the ground we walk on.

I haven’t used fixed wing drones yet.  I will when I see that it will help me determine the cause of an engineering failure or a personal injury accident.


  1. A picture is worth a 1,000 words, possibly many 1,000s in forensic engineering with a new aerial photographic technique.  Posted January 15, 2014
  2. New forensic aerial photographic method proving extremely valuable.  Posted January 30, 2015
  3. Forensic photography – the expertise available in eastern Canada.  Posted February 26, 2015



Don’t take the ground for granted

Expect the unexpected.  This is relevant when designing foundations to support a structure.  Also, when investigating the cause of a failure in the built environment – a forensic engineering investigation.

I sometimes wonder how often the designer does this – takes the ground for granted, and gets away with it because the foundation soils in Nova Scotia are often very strong.  That includes well constructed, man-made filled ground.

I thought of this when an experienced structural engineering friend of mine exclaimed recently, “There’s sand everywhere in Moscow..!!”.  He was describing his trip to the Scandinavian countries and Russia this summer.  He went on to describe the size of the grains, the expanse of the deposit and the level terrain.  It was like he was seeing a natural, undisturbed deposit of sand for the first time.

That might be understandable.  My friend has practised structural engineering in Nova Scotia since the 1970s.  Much of the province is covered by dense mixtures of gravel, sand, silt and clay – natural, undisturbed glacial soils.  This is what my friend probably expects to find beneath a site when he’s designing the foundations, and the steel, concrete or timber supporting the structure above.

(Everything in the built environment can be thought to have three major components:

  • the Structure above the ground surface,
  • the Foundations at or near the ground surface, and,
  • the Foundation Soils below.

The lower you go the less glamour there is, and too often the less attention paid to what’s below.  “There’s no glamour in the ground”. Ref. 1)

Such an expectation by my friend would be dangerous.  The comfort we feel in Nova Scotia about what is below the ground surface can get you in trouble.  It’s better to “expect the unexpected” as I learned practising geotechnical engineering – a civil engineering specialty, in the U.K., Australia and eastern Canada.

We have loose sand and silt in Nova Scotia and also soft clay – poor foundation soils.  Not a lot but it’s out there.  We also have poorly constructed fills – “un-natural, disturbed“ mixtures of different materials.  Fill is material brought from elsewhere and placed on the ground to raise the level.

Poorly constructed fill can cause problems for low-rise structures like one and two story buildings.  In fact, when I investigate the cause of a foundation failure, as an initial hypothesis, I “expect” to find a poorly constructed fill beneath the foundations.  Or one of the other poor foundation soils that occasionally show up on our construction sites.  This expectation is reasonable because I would have evidence suggesting something is wrong down below when most of the time in Nova Scotia all’s good there.


Good fill in engineering usually consists of well compacted mixtures of soil – gravel, sand, silt and clay, placed on undisturbed, natural soil.

Poor fill can consist of these materials plus varying amounts of topsoil, peat, roots, boulders and/or debris.

Geotechnical engineering is a civil engineering specialty that identifies the types of soils and rocks below the ground surface –  below proposed foundations, measures and tests their physical properties, and analyses and calculates how they will perform when used as engineering materials by design engineers.


1. A quite well known comment by Karl Terzaghi, considered the father of soil mechanics, the science underlying geotechnical engineering.


How to use an expert at short notice

I had a good talk with a client recently about investigating the cause of three personal injury accidents.  And what’s possible, in the case of one, when there’s not enough time to thoroughly investigate the accident to the standards of civil procedure rules governing experts.  We both learned something.

I was reminded that an experienced tradesman can look at a structure and report if construction is similar to what he has seen on other sites.  He would not comment on the adequacy of design and construction, which would be outside his area of expertise, just what he saw and it’s similarity.  This would be valuable.

Also, that an expert could be retained as a consulting expert and do a scaled back investigation consistent with the time available rather than as a testifying expert who must meet the requirements of civil procedure rules. (Ref. 1)

An initial hypothesis as to cause can be based on the data available, as limited as that might be.  That’s how science works.  For example, counsel’s description of what happened, reading some documents, and/or a cursory site examination.  It’s important to remember, however, that an initial idea about cause is not necessarily conclusive and could change with a detailed investigation. (Ref. 1)  Sometimes quite significantly.  The tyranny of the obvious can cause grief.

It’s the same in many applied scientific fields.  For example, in medicine where the final diagnosis and successful treatment plan – following the SOAP process, might be quite different from the initial diagnosis and plan. (Subjective gathering of data/evidence, Objective gathering, Assessment of data, Plan)  (Ref. 2)

(Remembering is important because too often experts are retained after a case has been taken and the final technical conclusion might not support counsel’s assessed merit of the case)

My client learned that a forensic investigation takes time if it’s to meet the strict requirements of civil procedure rules governing experts, like Rule 55 in Nova Scotia.


I was asked by my client if I could investigate a catastrophic failure resulting in personal injury and issue an expert’s report a few days later.  It would be difficult to examine the property after that.

I couldn’t, of course, and meet the requirements of Rule 55.  A few days might be just enough time to do preliminary work like read documents on the case and visually examine the site.

There is time to investigate the other two accidents discussed with my client.  I know the expertise needed for the major accident.  It appears clear cut.  That for the more minor accident – still serious and painful, is less clear but will possibly involve four areas of expertise: Design, construction, a trade and construction inspection.


  1. How experts are retained in civil litigation is changing – and the changes are good for counsel and the justice system.  Posted May 1, 2014
  2. Using SOAP notes in forensic engineering investigation.  Posted February 6, 2014



Counsel, tell your expert about the Rule governing expert opinion. It’s important

Make sure your expert knows about this Rule before he starts his investigation. Particularly the sub-section on the content of an expert’s report. (Ref. 1)  Abiding by the Rule, as required by the judicial system, may increase the time spent gathering data – the forensic engineering investigation, and also the time spent analysing the data and writing the report.  Increased time means increased cost.

This is possible – higher costs, for the small to medium size forensic investigations typical in Atlantic Canada and I suspect across the country.  Certainly when these investigations are complex.

Experts are unlikely familiar with the Rules in the same way that lawyers are unlikely familiar with the expert’s field of practice.

Engineers sometimes investigate a failure or an accident and report the cause but stop short of a detailed description of what they did.  Particularly the technical analysing and reasoning lest counsel’s eyes glaze over.  Many lawyers just want an answer – “and spare me the details”.  This might be the case when the engineer is retained as a consulting expert rather than a testifying expert.

Knowing about the Rule and that it requires more comprehensive reporting doesn’t mean estimating the cost of the forensic investigation is any easier. (Ref. 2)  It just alerts counsel and the expert to the information that must be reported and that costs may be higher.

1. Things leading to the opinion

The expert’s report, according to the Rule, must include everything the expert regards as relevant to the expressed opinion.  This approximates a full engineering report.

Everything means that the report contains all of the following information to support the opinion (I have expanded and added to the statements in the Rule according to how engineers investigate failures and accidents):

  1. Identify and describe in detail the steps and tasks carried out during the investigation and the purpose of each.
  2. Describe any research carried out.
  3. List and describe the data obtained from each task.
  4. Analyse the data from each task and any research – its nature, what it means, how the data from the different tasks are related to each other, and how each is related to the failure or the accident.
  5. Fully explain the reasoning leading to the opinion.
  6. Describe a test(s) to formulate or confirm the opinion.
  7. State the degree of certainty with which the opinion is held.
  8. State any qualification put on the opinion because of the need for further investigation or for any other reason.
  9. Reference all the literature and other material consulted in arriving at the opinion.
  10. List the documents and other information acquired to prepare the opinion.

This is comprehensive reporting.  It takes time and it can be expensive particularly in a complex case.

2. Things leading to a different opinion

But the Rule also requires that the expert’s report draw attention to anything that could reasonably lead to a different conclusion.  If “drawing attention” to “anything” means identifying and investigating other interpretations of the data, or follow-up investigations, then including the listed information on these things takes time.  It may not mean exhaustive investigating and reporting but even a little more adds to the cost of an expert’s opinion..

Experts may not expect such comprehensive report requirements. It’s important to give an expert a heads-up at the time he is being retained and before he starts his investigation.  I was given a copy of this rule by counsel shortly after it was published – after I had carried out a forensic engineering investigation but before I had written my report.  It turned out okay but we like to know about such requirements before we start an investigation.


  1. Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rule 55, sub-section 55.04
  2. A bundle of blogs: A civil litigation resource list on how to use forensic engineering experts.  Posted November 20, 2013 (Contains blogs on estimating the cost of forensic investigations)

Why should civil litigation lawyers and experts take an interest in a book on writing well?

I suggested this in last week’s blog.  After all, lawyers are wordsmiths and experts usually have a few decades of experience so both should know how to write well.

The reason is the comprehensive requirements of the civil procedure rule governing the content of an expert’s report.  This rule does not mess around – no legalese here.  It tells experts in clear English what we are to provide the judicial system.

The reason is also the variety and complexity of the engineering problems and personal injury accidents that occur in the built and natural environments.

As a civil engineer, I know about the problems, and I read again a civil procedure rule governing experts in Eastern Canada.

Almost every case we engineers investigate – and lawyers advocate, is different from the one before, and they’re almost all complex.  Reporting on such cases to a strict civil procedure rule – and counsel understanding the report – is demanding of both expert and counsel.

Cases such as:

  • The collapse of an engineering structure, e.g., a dam, bridge, retaining wall, wharf, road, waterway, earthworks, landslide, or the poor performance of one of the structure’s many components.
  • The collapse of a building or the poor performance of one of the 100s of its components.
  • An accident causing property damage, injury or death.
  • A fuel oil spill.
  • An independent peer review of a forensic investigation and report by another.

“The same” cases are different

And when the cases are “the same” – involving one structure, a building, say, they are different.  Each one of a building’s many components can fail.

  • The leaking roofs may be flat, pitched or mansard.
  • The subsiding foundations may be a slab-on-ground, shallow footings or deep piles.
  • Flood water may be coming in through the basement walls, the floor, the utility trenches or from burst water pipes.

Or cases involving slip, trip and fall accidents – one type of accident but every case different.  The person who fell may have been,

  • Standing still, walking or running.
  • On a level or sloping surface.
  • Walking forward or backwards.
  • Walking up or down stairs.
  • Tripping on an obstacle or on their feet.
  • In their bare feet or wearing any one of a variety of different footwear.
  • On any one of many different floor or ground surfaces.

Those are some differences in just one type of structure and one type of accident. Multiply those differences by the hundreds of different structures and different accidents in the built and natural environments – and just imagine.

Everything we investigate and report on is different – every day.  In a sense, we are more “generalist” engineers as opposed to experts, at least in Eastern Canada, and I suspect elsewhere in Canada too.  But, of course, the court decides if any one of us is an expert in a given case.

No surprise then that every report we write is also different, even the simple reports.  And each must be written to the exacting requirements of rules like Section 50.04 Content of an Expert’s Report, Civil Procedure Rules of Nova Scotia.

An example might show the importance of writing even simple reports well when done according to the Rules.

I investigated the underpinning of a building a few years ago.  (Underpinning is a foundation that replaces another for some reason)  I then reported on the adequacy of the underpinning according to Rule 55 in Nova Scotia – and 30 days later got 76 questions back.

The basic forensic engineering investigation was simple.  Dig holes in the ground next to the building and expose the underpinning,  Describe, measure and photograph the type of underpinning.  Do this as well for the deficiencies in the underpinning.  Assess the adequacy of the type of underpinning and also the effects of the deficiencies.

The physical properties of a different material used in the underpinning were also researched but this went along well too.

There was also an odd side issue in the case.  The part of the building above the underpinning – what you see from the street, was not constructed properly, and in a very pronounced and unusual way. This was an even simpler investigation.  I found that the defect was unrelated to the underpinning.

The investigation and reporting were simple yet prompted 76 questions.  Some reflected the questioner’s – probably his expert’s, general lack of knowledge of the technical issues. Others were on a simple word or turn of phase.  A few were good and served resolution of the case quite well.


Writing engineering reports well is not easy – not even simple reports on simple cases. We can all use all the help we can get.  Including books on writing well.

And counsel can too, to ensure that they recognize a well written expert’s report and that they understand the technical issues – hopefully explained in simple, clear, uncluttered, jargon-free English.




We’re surrounded by technical issues, the kind that show up in civil litigation and insurance claims

To some extent, all I could see were technical issues when I was out west earlier this month.  Technical issues like we investigate in civil litigation, forensic engineering and for insurance claims.  The size of Vancouver impressed me – so much built environment, so many potential technical issues.  I had similar thoughts in Edmonton a few days later and in Toronto after that.

They say in Edmonton that they have two seasons, a winter season and a construction season – building more built environment everywhere you look.

How many technical issues you might ask?  I have no real idea.  But the engineer in me thought 10% to 20% – a range that crops up often enough in matters to do with human nature.  Technical issues can often be traced back to the people involved in design, construction and maintenance engineering.

Percent of what?  How about the 1,000s of structures and their infrastructure and the 10s of 1,000s of components comprising these structures?  It’s the structures and their components that fail giving rise to the technical issues that we investigate.


I was in Vancouver to attend the birthday party of a close friend, Sheilagh Simpson, a writer.  I stayed with another close friend, John Hughes, also an engineer.

The mountainous scenery in the Vancouver area overwhelms, particularly on the drive to the Whistler ski resort and also to Princeton in the interior.  A different and quite beautiful scenery in Edmonton – flat, treeless grazing land, and farm crops as far as the eye can see.  And in Toronto?  Dense urbanization – structures and infrastructure everywhere.


Being struck by the potential for technical issues is different when gazing on beautiful scenery.  Not quite what you would expect.  Some examples might justify my view.

1. John referred a friend to me.  His friend has an environmental spill problem in Vancouver. The spill’s plume of contamination needs to be located.  (Liquid contaminants sometimes flow through the ground in the shape of a bird’s feather – a plume)  Hopefully the plume is still on the owner’s property and hasn’t migrated to adjacent property where it could be a technical issue.

2. I saw near-vertical rock faces cut into the hillside during construction of the new highway to Whistler.  I know how these rock slopes are assessed in geotechnical engineering – to an acceptable degree of risk like in all engineering, in this case the risk of a rock slide. But a risk nevertheless, and a potential technical issue.

3. I told you earlier this year about the Groat Road bridge failure in Edmonton. (Refs 1, 2 and 3)  I visited the site while there and it’s been fixed.  But there are hundreds of bridges in the Edmonton area and new ones are being constructed every day.

4. Steel bridge beams can fail as we saw but so can the deep bridge abutment fills – in the sense of not performing as they should.  Abutment fills are those deep layers of soil that support the road up to the bridge.  They were several 10s of feet deep in the new construction I saw in Edmonton.

Layers of soil fill settle a little or a lot depending on the degree of compaction they get during construction.  The soil is compacted with construction equipment to make it denser, more rigid, and less compressible.  For certain, the fills are being well compacted almost all the time so there is minimal settlement at the road surface.

But still there is risk.  A little less compaction than needed in one of the abutment fills resulting in settlement and deterioration of the road surface – poor performance, and we have a technical issue.  Car drivers sometimes experience poor compaction and fill settlement when they hit a bump at the end of a bridge deck.  Also when they drive across those little depressions in the road surface.  We experience the depressions almost every day on our highways.

5. I also drew your attention last year to the many dozens of ways a building and its components can fail – collapse or perform inadequately. 209+ ways to be exact. (Ref. 4) Buildings are just one of dozens of different types of structures in the built environment. So it was okay for me to think technical issues when driving back and forth in the dense urban environment of Toronto. They are there.  Some unknown, others known but accepted, and a few the technical issues in civil litigation.


With so much built environment how could the forensic engineer in me not see technical issues when I was out west?  But for the most part the built environment works.  The engineering design has been constructed properly, and only a small percentage will show up as technical issues in civil litigation.  I’m sure much less than 10% to 20%.


  1. Wind, construction crane  and inadequate cross-bracing caused Edmonton bridge failure: An initial hypothesis.  Posted March 27, 2015
  2. Why, in a recent blog, didn’t I seem to consider foundation failure as a possible cause of the Edmonton bridge failure?  Posted April 3, 2015
  3. Bridge beams that fail are sometimes like balloons filled with water – squeeze them and they pop out somewhere else.  Posted May 20, 2015
  4. How many ways can a building fail, and possibly result in civil litigation or an insurance claim?  Posted July 10, 2014

“If you measure it you can manage it” – and do thorough forensic engineering, and cost effective civil litigation

The primary task of a forensic engineer is to investigate the physical causes of failures and accidents, and to explain what happened to counsel and the judicial system.

Engineers and civil litigation lawyers do this best – thoroughly and cost effectively, with different measurements.

The built environment, where the failures and accidents occur, is a physical place.  It’s defined by dimensions – measurements.  That’s the language of the built environment like words are the language of the judicial environment.  Even the physical properties of the building materials – e.g., the strength of steel, the drainage characteristics of soil, are defined by measures of one kind or another.

Examples of different measurements – the language of the built environment

  • The property owner wants a structure of some sort, of a certain size and shape and made of certain materials – as defined by different measurements.
  • The design engineer designs the structure – specifies the size, shape and material properties of the components with different measurements.
  • The construction engineer builds the structure – according to the different measurements.
  • The maintenance engineer ensures the structure can be used during its life by fixing or replacing components that break or wear out – according to the original design measurements.

Good project management is a thread running through this design, construction, and maintenance process, made possible by different measurements.

More examples of different measurements

  • Measurement of physical properties by feet and inches,
  • Project schedule by date, days and hours, and,
  • Project cost by dollars and cents.

If a failure or accident occurs during any stage of this process then a lawyer might be consulted by one or more of the parties involved if they thought something went wrong that was not of their doing.

Good case management – would dictate that the lawyer would in turn confer with a forensic engineer about the investigation of the failure or accident.  From this would come an estimate – a measure, albeit very approximate, of the cost of the forensic investigation. (Refs 1, 2 and 3) This estimated cost would assist the lawyer assess the merits of the case and his decision about taking it.

The lawyer’s cost effective management of the case would start at this point.  He would assess if a damage award would cover his legal fees and expenses, the cost of the forensic investigation, and compensation for the parties involved.  The lawyer would take a measure of whether or not the case would be adequately funded.

If the case goes ahead, the forensic engineer would determine the nature of the structure before and after the failure or accident and what took place during the incident.  His work would consist of standard engineering investigations and follow-up investigations, and observations and analyses throughout the process. (Ref. 4)  All supported by measurements of one kind or another.  This measuring would enable a thorough forensic investigation and good project management of the investigation.

If the case goes ahead, the lawyer would monitor the cost of the forensic investigation as it progressed.  He would note the developing costs and how they relate to the estimate. The engineer would assist by estimating and updating investigative costs at each stage as accurately as possible – taking their measure, and reporting these costs as directed by the lawyer.  This monitoring would enable good case management and contribute to cost effective civil litigation.

Counsel, the judicial system and the injured party would be well served if a case were measured and managed like this.

Rather than poorly served as sometimes happens, when an estimate – a measure, of legal plus forensic costs is not made at the start by an experienced civil litigation lawyer and an experienced engineer.  The investigation is stopped mid-investigation because of cost.  Sometimes stopped so completely that the judicial system and the injured party never see relevant technical data that could tip the scales one way or the other.  Because, getting the data to the judicial system in a report is one of the costs that would not have been measured at the start.

“If you measure it you can manage it”.  And manage it well if the civil litigation lawyer and the engineer begin estimating and measuring everything at the start when the merits of the case are being assessed.


  1. Difficulty estimating the cost of forensic engineering investigation http://www.ericjorden.com/blog/2013/07/23/difficulty-estimating-the-cost-of-forensic-engineering-investigation/
  2. Why the difficulty estimating the cost of forensic engineering investigation? http://www.ericjorden.com/blog/2013/09/01/why-the-difficulty-estimating-the-cost-of-forensic-engineering-investigation/
  3. Managing the cost of civil litigation http://www.ericjorden.com/blog/2013/09/19/managing-the-cost-of-civil-litigation/
  4. Steps in the forensic engineering investigative process with an appendix on costs http://www.ericjorden.com/blog/2013/07/15/steps-in-the-forensic-engineering-investigative-process-with-an-appendix-on-costs/

The “messiness” of some forensic engineering and insurance investigations is illustrated by messy snowbanks

Forensic engineering and insurance investigations can sometimes get quite “messy”.

We can easily identify the different stages in standard investigations – the protocol we must follow to carry out a thorough investigation and to conform to good practice.

But we can’t necessarily identify all the tasks involved at each stage and the length of time to complete each one.  Nor where the evidence will lead us and the need for follow-up investigations.  All of this impacts the ease/difficulty estimating costs which adds to the “messiness”.

This is often the case when the natural environment is involved in the failure or accident.  Such as in foundation and earthworks’ failures, landslides, floods, fuel oil spills, traffic accidents, and occasionally slip and fall accidents.

There’s pattern in nature that we often need to look for and characterize in determining the cause of these types of failures and accidents.  But Mother Nature doesn’t reveal herself readily.

This is particularly the case when a failure involves:

  • the terrain at the scene of a failure,
  • the foundation soils below, and/or
  • the surface water and the ground water below the surface.

Problems like this require us to identify:

  • the different layers of soil and rock beneath a site and
  • the physical properties of the different layers.
  • Also, how the water drains across the terrain’s surface and
  • how the ground water flows beneath the surface.

There’s often pattern in these elements of a site.  Based on a review of published topographic, geologic, and hydro-geologic mapping, we hypothesize its nature at the start of a forensic engineering or insurance investigation.

But, Mother Nature lies in wait.  If there’s one thing I learned as a civil engineer specializing in geotechnical and foundation engineering for a number of years, it was to “expect the unexpected” in attempting to characterize the foundation soil conditions beneath a site.  You can’t see the thing you’re investigating.  Also, “if in doubt go deeper” with your investigation.  I acquired the former bit of wisdom in the U.K. and the latter in Australia where I practised for a time.

“Mess” came to mind in connection with this difficulty when I was walking my dog recently just as a last snow storm was starting – “last” would be nice, but we’re not holding our breath in eastern Canada.

I was struck by the pattern – quite messy at some locations, in the layers of snow plowed up along the sides of the streets.  The different layers would be different snow storms and we’ve had quite a few.  What I saw in the snow was illustrative of layers of soil.

Soil is deposited in layers like snow and can be just as uniform or irregular like that seen in the snow banks.  And just as “messy”, irregular, and difficult to describe and characterize, and difficult to cost.

I took a few pictures and include a selection of these below – Figs 1 to 5 in the Appendix..  The pictures are two-dimensional.  It’s very important to remember that the irregular, messy pattern continues in the third dimension as well.  The layered patterns seen in Figs 1 and 2 are quite uniform.  Those in Figs 3, 4 and 5 are irregular and messy.

Similar “messiness” must be expected – as an initial hypothesis, to permeate all forensic work where the natural environment is an element in the problem.  For certain, the environment below the ground surface.  But often enough that above as well even though we can see the surface.

And this “messiness” must be expected to confound our efforts to identify all the tasks that will be necessary during a forensic engineering and insurance investigation, the time to carry out these tasks, and their cost.


Fig. 1  Layers of snow at side of road

Fig. 1 Layers of snow at side of road



Fig. 2 Layers of snow at side  of road

Fig. 2 Layers of snow at side of road


Fig. 3 Fairly irregular layers of snow.  If this were foundation soil at the site of failure it would be fairly easy to characterize

Fig. 3 Fairly irregular layers of snow. If this were foundation soil at the site of failure it would be fairly easy to characterize


Fig. 4 Somewhat more irregular layers of snow. If this were foundation soil it would be more difficult to characterize and would introduce some "messiness" into the forensic engineering investigation

Fig. 4 Somewhat more irregular layers of snow. If this were foundation soil it would be more difficult to characterize and would introduce some “messiness” into the forensic engineering investigation




Fig. 5 Quite a bit more irregular layers of snow. If this were foundation soil it would be quite  difficult to characterize and would introduce a lot of "messiness" into the forensic engineering investigation

Fig. 5 Quite a bit more irregular layers of snow. If this were foundation soil it would be quite difficult to characterize and would introduce a lot of “messiness” into the forensic engineering investigation